A Horror Scene

The thing that intrigues me about these ancient places is what we don’t know about them. For the most part history books can tell us what happened at certain periods in time, but what haven’t the books told us? What black text was left unprinted?

We weren’t completely lost when we stumbled upon this stone building, but without our GPS it would have been difficult to find our way home. When we stepped out of the warm car and into the frigid air, I immediately felt like I was in a horror movie. The trees were barren. The moon was appearing above the horizon. Grave stones lined the pathway around the church and the light sky absconded without us realizing it.

I am not a big fan of horror movies as I get nightmares from watching them so I took some pictures and hightailed it back to the car. Little did I remember that most of the main characters in horror movies at some point enter a car and a body falls onto it or a hand pierces a window. I am glad our night ended with us driving back together! Here is Brian’s image. He did such a great job of capturing the mood that night!